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The tail end of the working week saw some excitement over a supposed Cabinet reshuffle. The rumours had been festering since late last year and again in the last few weeks as well.

However just as he did last year, Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dismissed the talk of changes in his administration, saying everything is status quo.

“One thing one must know about Dr. Mahathir,” said a veteran politician, “is that he does not like to be pre-empted. If you say he’s going to do something, he will probably do just the opposite.”
On record, the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition partners have had discussions at their respective party levels as well as the PH level on the possible need for an administrative overhaul.

While this was meant to ensure an administration where everyone is in line with the PH – and specifically Dr. Mahathir’s – vision of realising policies and fulfilling election promises, the proposed Cabinet review also serves to redirect the political paths of certain individuals – either upwards or downwards.

From what was learnt, Mahathir’s son the Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, was to move to the Federal administration, taking over from a current loose cannon minister who is facing the sack.
A current deputy minister who is both MP and state assemblyman in Kedah was said to be taking over from Mukhriz.

Mukhriz’s re-entry to the Federal administration (he was once deputy minister for International Trade and Industry in Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak’s administration) will be seen as Mahathir putting his chess pieces in place for his son to one day become prime minister. This at best, lays a proper succession plan for the next two terms if PH were to continue to govern; or at worst raises more questions on the certainty of Anwar’s future as the eight prime minister.

It also further fuels speculation over the future of Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali as Dr. Mahathir’s supposed preferred choice to succeed him.

Azmin is now battling a sex scandal and a Cabinet reshuffle could be a Plan B to buy him more time or to accelerate the ascension of other candidates.

Meanwhile, there is also the matter of Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. The present Deputy Prime Minister and Women and Family Development Minister has relinquished her position as PKR president.
Then is the conversation of a reshuffle designed to address her impending exit and the entry of her husband Anwar into the Cabinet as part of the process for him to take over the mantle?

Anwar has indicated he is not interested in Cabinet positions at the moment. One reason, according to several PKR members being he would be bound by the collective responsibility on certain Cabinet decisions even if he did not agree to them.

There was also the news of an extra ministry being created with the splitting up of the Education Ministry, and the establishment of the Higher Education Ministry.

This news was eagerly anticipated as it would also see the entry of former UMNO minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamad who had since joined Dr. Mahathir’s Bersatu party.

Despite the agreement that no UMNO and BN cross-overs would be given positions, the PH leadership has concurred that Mustapa is the exception to the rule. He is widely respected, no skeletons in his closet and kept his distance from the 1MDB scandal. He is regarded as someone who can draw support from the Malay heartland, currently controlled by UMNO and PAS.

In Amanah there was a suggestion for a swapping of portfolios between Defence Minister Mohd Sabu and Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Khalid Samad.While it is status quo for the DAP, there is at least one change proposed in Warisan. No prizes for guessing who.

At least four ministers were on the chopping board for inefficiency, controversy and in at least one troubling instance – matters on governance and integrity.

The Prime Minister may again deny that he is planning a reshuffle, but one must ask why the Rakyat in some case, feel hopeful over this news.

Sometimes a reshuffle is needed like a company’s management shake-up following an annual performance review.

With a new government comprising new ministers, many of whom are extremely green, this could be a necessary exercise.

It is akin to a mandatory service and oil change after the first 10,000km when you purchase your car, where the warranty covers parts.

In the instance of PH, the targets for elimination should be the non-performers, the deadwood, those who have lost the plot and those completely out of their league. More importantly those who have deviated from their values and are too busy playing politics – be it party or communal must go.

Ministers who personally or who’s ministries are under the radar of the authorities for abuse of power or corruption or other integrity issues should also face the axe.

Many “report cards” were issued on PH’s first year by various groups including the media and civil society. The performances of certain ministers have also been included in these report cards, and many are far from complimentary.

After all the expectations and benchmarks set by the public are higher for PH.

Dr. Mahathir may tell us that there is no need for a Cabinet reshuffle. However, he is capable of reading the groundswell and ask: “is a reshuffle what the people want and why?”

He has enough years of experience and the ability to read the mood of the rakyat to answer this question. And one will not be surprised that in his mind he has already decided who should stay and who should go.
The question is timing and Dr. Mahathir is one leader who knows the right moment to strike. After all this is the man who created the Malaysian Standard Time by synchronizing the clocks for Peninsular and East Malaysia!

Terence Fernandez
