





















白宫对战世卫(Covid 19: White House Vs WHO)英文原稿:

In an earlier article I wrote about the continuous China bashing by the White House as a key part of President Trump’s campaign to get himself reelected in the coming November presidential battle.

The Chinese response from Beijing has been very restrained up to now. However, an animated video posted by the state run news agency Xinhua on 29 April sets out clearly the positions of the two countries since the pandemic began. It effectively rebuts the US critics in its satirical presentation.  

Titled, “Once upon a virus” the video features Lego-like figures in the form of a terracotta warrior wearing a face mask and the Statue of Liberty. The video begins with the warning, 'We discovered a new virus,' by the warrior. 

'So what?' replies the Statue of Liberty. 'It's only a flu.'

As the warrior issues warnings about the virus and records the grim impact of China's outbreak, the Statue of Liberty replies dismissively with echoes of Trump's press conferences in which he played down the severity of the illness. 

It also records the response of many so-called independent western media, including the BBC, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and New York Times, that criticised the strong and unprecedented mitigation measures undertaken by the Chinese authorities although these media voices are not identified.

As China shut down Wuhan and its neighbouring areas in January and February, headlines of “Violating human rights again”, “Setting up new concentration camps”, “inhumane and barbaric Chinese over-reaction”, “typical backward Third World country” and accompanying images aimed at shocking the western and world public began to appear in the western media.

Finally as the pandemic begins to hit the US hard, the Statue of Liberty turns red with fever and has to be hooked to a drip.

At this point, the statue replies to the warnings sounded by the Chinese side and WHO by insisting: 

'We are always correct, even though we contradict ourselves”

WH Versus WHO 

Clearly next now in the attempt to sell the US public the message that the White House is entirely without blame for the loss in human life and damage to the US economy, Trump and his officials are picking on another external enemy - the World Health Organization. 

Until the pandemic appeared this year, the US was the largest donor to the WHO providing about $400m annually. Hence the WHO is an easy target that plays up to American right wing sentiments. Its director general is also not an American but a distinguished Ethiopian, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. 

He is now accused of being pro-China, unwilling to confront the Chinese at the start of the outbreak as well as for his refusal to support the US in scapegoating China for the severity of the pandemic in the US and around the world.

The US anti-WHO measures for now have consisted of withdrawal of its annual funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the ramping up of criticism aimed at ousting its head. 

On 15 April, Trump announced that WHO had "failed in its basic duty and it must be held accountable." He said the group had promoted China's "disinformation" about the virus that led to a wider outbreak of the virus than otherwise would have occurred.

This announcement was greeted with dismay and regret from nearly all quarters. The WHO DG in an immediate response regretted the US action. He argued that "This is a time for all of us to be united in our common struggle against a common threat". Significantly he noted that the WHO will review the impact of the funding gap and will continue its work "without fear or favour". Or in other words, the WHO will not be bullied. 

Dr. Ghebreyesus is not alone in refusing to be intimidated by the US gangster-like tactics.  In addition, medical and health experts and officials from the US are also opposed to Trump’s irresponsible action. 

Meanwhile leaders from Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, and Africa have expressed solidarity with the WHO COVID-19 Response. The UN, Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres, has noted that this was "not the time" to reduce resources for WHO operations.”  "Now is the time for unity and for the international community to work together in solidarity to stop this virus and its shattering consequences," he appealed. 

Besides mobilizing international condemnation of the WHO, US officials have been rallying support against China and WHO through its current chairmanship of G7 countries. This grouping of mainly western leading economies which excludes both Russia and China has been regarded as more in line with the US in international relations and more accepting of US global leadership. 

In response to the first US attempt on 25 March to make use of G7 for its international disinformation campaign aimed at accusing China of putting the world in danger in the crisis, the group - which includes the UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan – resisted US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo’s insistence on calling the coronavirus the “ Wuhan Virus.” This resulted in the meeting of foreign ministers failing to come out with a communique. 

Later on 16 April, G7 leaders voiced their backing for the WHO and urged international co-operation. Merkle, the German chancellor argued that “the pandemic can only be overcome with a strong and coordinated international response”. 

Strengthening WHO  

It is evident that the US under Trump will not provide WHO with the resources to meet the challenge of this and future pandemics. Hence it is important that other countries should step up to the plate to ensure that the vital human and financial resources necessary at the international level for a successful outcome to the crisis are forthcoming.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft has set an outstanding example for the world’s leaders to emulate. Firsty he has defended WHO and China for its response. He has argued that while China made mistakes, the country did many things right in dealing with the pandemic. He has also criticized “incorrect and unfair things being said about China” as well as noted that the US response to the outbreak was handled “very poorly”. 

Besides talk, the Gates Foundation has announced an extra $150 million donation to WHO to meet the shortfall in its funding.

It is important that the new super rich of China also put their money where their mouth is in defence of an organization which has fallen foul of the US new belligerence against China and its supporters at the international stage.

