
大马富时综合指数(FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index)的前身为吉隆坡综合指数(Kuala Lumpur Composite Index)。吉隆坡综合指数于1986年4月4日推介,基数为100。大马交易所于2006年宣布和富时集团共同推出现有的大马富时综合指数,并在2009年7月全面采用现有指数。



除了大马富时综合指数以外,大马交易所还有分别涵盖建筑、消费产品与服务、能源、金融服务、医疗保健、工业产品与服务、种植、房地产、房地产投资信托基金、科技、电信和媒体、运输和物流以及公用事业13个板块指数(sectoral indices)。这些板块指数的成份股仅限于在主板(Main Market)上市的755家公司。





回顾大马股市历年表现,不难发现尽管反映大市的大马富时综合指数表现不佳,并不是所有板块指数都受到一样影响,有的甚至可以逆流而上。因此,投资者必须经常对时局进行探究,洞察相关板块的优劣势,放眼在特定板块提前布局,从而赚取可观回报。正如美国名作家马克吐温(Mark Twain)所说,尽管历史不会重演,类似事件可能会像文章的押韵一样以另一种方式演绎。在疫情持续笼罩的氛围下,医疗板块会否延续往年的势头,再接再厉,或是由其他的板块取而代之,还看今朝。

《板块投资更胜一筹?》(Can investor reap better profit from sectoral play?)原文:

Stock index is considered by investors as a barometer of stock market. Market participants assess market performance by comparing current price with historical price. 

FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index is the benchmark that market participants take the cue from. It was formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Composite Index. Kuala Lumpur composite index was introduced on April 4, 1986, with a base of 100. Bursa Malaysia made the announcement in 2006 that it was jointly launching the existing with the FTSE Group and fully adopting the index in July 2009. 

FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index adpots capitalization-weighted method, which means that the constituents are the 30 listed companies with the largest market capitalization. In addition, these companies must meet the requirements of at least 15% free float and liquidity. 30 constituents are made up of companies from different sectors. The advisory committee will review the index in June and December each year to ensure that it is representative of the stock market. 

Every time a company meets the criteria is added, fund managers and asset managers tracking the index will buy the shares of the new entrant. It tends to send the company's share price soaring. Conversely, when a company no longer qualifies as a constituent and is excluded, fund managers and asset managers will reduce their holdings of the company, causing the share price to fall. 

Apart from FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index, there are 13 sectoral indices in Bursa Malaysia that cover sectors namely, construction, energy, consumer products and services, financial services, healthcare, industrial products and services, plantation, property, real estate investment trust fund (REITs), technology, telecommunications and media, transportation and logistics, and utilities. These sector indices are confined to the 755 companies listed on the Main Market. 

As of late 2020, the first to fourth largest sectoral indices by market capitalisation are financial services (RM362.5 billion), consumer products and services (RM254.9 billion), industrial products and services (RM208.6 billion) and healthcare (RM179.9 billion) based on data retrieved from Bursa Malaysia. All stocks in the same sector have high correlations. 

In 2020, few glove stocks outperformed the market. For example, the pandemic has led to a surge in global demand for medical products, especially gloves. The glove manufacturers listed on Bursa Malaysia which have the lion’s share of glove production have become hotly contested spot for investors. Due to the low interest rate environment and the announcement of Movement Control Order (MCO), gloves shares were panic bought by investors and the share price surged several times momentarily. Thanks to the glove stocks, the healthcare index rose 186% for the year to become the best-performing index on Bursa Malaysia. 

In contrast, affected by a sharp drop in global energy demand, the energy index fell 28% for the year. The broader FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index was merely up just 2.4% for the year, dwarfed by the rally in the healthcare index. In other words, if an investor had invested in gloves, he would have outperformed the broader market. Whether investors should focus on specific sectors and earn better or worse returns than the broader market, or whether they should diversify to track the broader market, to each his own. Given the high correlation between stocks in the same sector, investors should look for the popular stock with a good valuation and technical outlook to invest.

In conclusion, the influence of investor sentiment varies across different sectors, implying that investor sentiment has a more significant impact on one sector than the other. Apart from the stellar performance of healthcare index, shares in the technology sector have recently been buoyed by rising consumer demand for technology products amid a shortage of chips for cars as well as signs of a worsening pandemic. 

Looking back at the performance of the Malaysian stock market over the years, it is not difficult to learn that although FTSE Bursa Malaysia Index that reflects the broader market has underperformed. However, not all sector indices are equally affected, and some can even sail against the current. Therefore, investors must constantly explore the current trend, inquire into the strengths and weaknesses of relevant sectors, look ahead to specific sectors in order to make a decent return. As Mark Twain put it, although history does not repeat itself, it often rhymes. In other words, similar events could have been played out in another way。 In the context of the pandemic, whether the rally of healthcare index will continue or to be replaced by other sectors, it remains as a puzzle to be solved.




