
知名华语歌手周华健的《朋友》相信大家都不陌生,不仅在华语乐坛上脍炙人口,在国外也有人一样喜欢。印度驻台代表史达仁(Sridharan Madhusudhanan)积极促进双边文化交流,日前他在出席一场文化活动上,与妻子意外遇到周华健,勾起20年前的回忆。













What happened tonight is a short story with a long flashback. It began 20 years ago. We had just landed in Beijing. One day, Vaidehi listened to a Chinese song through a taxi radio. No clue about the song's name or singer. But Vaidehi remembered the tune. So, she will go to all the music shops in Beijing and, to the amusement of the shopkeepers and onlookers, start humming the tune and ask for the CD. Except for the free entertainment we gave to the Beijing scene for a few months, nothing changed–still no clue about the song or singer. Then, one day, she sang the same tune to the driver of Sita Sudarsan. And, it worked! Vaidehi came home with a CD of Emil Chou (aka Zhou Huajian, Wakin Chau, Chow Wah-Kin, 周华健, 周华健 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakin_Chau ). We learned that the song is called 'peng you' (friend). That song became the 'subrabadham' for our home, and continued on repeat. We woke up to it, we relaxed to it, we ate to it, we danced to it. Our kids grew up listening to that song every day (no, not figuratively). We added many CDs and DVDs of Zhou Huajian. We continue to listen to the song, and Zhou Huajian's music. Even a couple of weeks ago, when we had invited a few friends home for dinner, Vaidehi sang a few lines from 'peng you.' Today, at the Red room event, while I was on stage, a tall figure came and sat in the first row. During the short intermission flurry, my friend introduced him as her husband. We shook hands, and amidst that bustle, I introduced Vaidehi to them. We didn't even share our names and moved on. And it ended there. When the programme was about to resume, as I was returning to my seat, Roma Mehta pulled me aside. She asked me whether I recognise that gentleman. Within seconds, I went looking for Vaidehi. We all were in the front row. I dragged Vaidehi towards the gentleman. She murmured that we've already met him. I insisted and made Vaidehi sit to next to this gentleman. Then I requested him to say his full name to Vaidehi.