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《逐步废除新经济政策》(Dismantling the NEP)原文:

A hot topic in the whatsapp groups that I am part of is how to build a more resilient and united nation. Perhaps the key and most vexing obstacle to this national mission identified by friends who come from the top echelon of professions in the public and private sector and represent a good cross section of our multiracial society is the New Economic Policy and its legacy in the continuation of race based approaches, strategies and policies.

In my whatsapp conversations - one of which runs to several hundred messages a day - there is no etiquette or rule book to guide the group chat. Hence the discussion on the NEP has been frank and uninhibited. Often sharp observations, insightful opinions and helpful suggestions which are politically incorrect are posted.

Unfortunately whatever analysis takes place is fleeting, cavalier or momentary. Also apparent in curtailing the NEP discussion is the concern with being too frank or texting what may be seen as negative or hurtful remarks that can weaken the multiracial groupˇs cohesion and relationships.

Drawing on these conversations, what is provided here is a way forward on how to break free from the NEP impasse and policy prison that Malaysians are trapped and caged in.

It is shared with readers in the hope that other stake players can cast aside their inhibitions and fears and contribute ideas on how to dismantle or deconstruct a policy which has been the main centripetal and disunifying force in the nation.

Plucking the Fruits of NEP Successes

The approach is to identify economic and social sectors in which the Malay community has achieved parity or superiority in relation to the position of the other ethnic communities. In these spheres, race-neutral, merit-based or other non-ethnic related criteria can be substituted to become the main or sole policy determinant factor. Ethnic based allocations of reasonable proportion can be continued but only after full disclosure of the need.

This targeting of the low hanging fruit of NEP successes is overdue for at least three reasons.

1. The continuation of the policies is a breach of Article 153 of the Constitution which calls for protection of the legitimate interests of other communities, notwithstanding the special position of the Malays

2. Extensions and expansion of the initial NEP policy into practically all aspects of socio-economic life constitute unjust and unjustifiable deviations of the original policy. It impinges on the substance and spirit of Article 153 and the basic concept of equality and equal protection of the law as contained in Article 8(1) of the Constitution which prohibits discrimination against a person or class of persons, unless there is a rational basis for such discrimination

3. Prolongation of the policy breeds mediocrity, is socially divisive and has regressive economic impact. So what are the possible areas for the liberalization and dismantling of NEP race related provisions. Here is a list 

•Public and private sector housing discounts and quotas
•Public universities staffing positions; student admission quotas and other ethnic preference measures
•National educational system as reflected in budgetary allocations; special educational institutions; scholarship awards; MARA ethnic preference policies
•Civil service intake; senior positions and promotions
•Licences; tenders and contracts
•GLCs and other special purpose government agencies

What is provided here needs to be supplemented with suggestions from stakeholders such as manufacturers, SMEs, housing developers, and other business groups who have borne the brunt of the burden in implementing ethnic preference requirements and conditions for doing business.

Dealing with Opposition to Dismantling the NEP

Obviously objection to dismantling NEP benefits can be expected from Malay politicians and policy makers from the civil service and other elite Malays who have been the principal beneficiaries. It is an undeniable fact that their children and grandchildren will continue to monopolize the gains arising from ethnic preference.

Besides the usual Malay groups we have also seen support for ethnic preference policies from a few non-Malay academics who justify the status quo in ketuanan Melayu policies for reasons relating to their personal advancement.

The response to such ethnocentric or opportunistic opposition should not be collaboration, resignation or impotence. It should be the provision of rational feedback on impacts and outcomes from citizens, businesses, the media and other stakeholders. 

What is needed for policy change and reform calls for perseverance and stamina in knocking open the closed doors of policy makers and the bureaucracy. Otherwise we will be really stuck with what the cynics have termed a ¨Never Ending Policy〃.

Quite apart from the legal and moral arguments against continuation of ethnic preference, the reality is that the NEP is the main stumbling block to a revitalized Malaysia. The sooner it is replaced by a race-neutral, needs-based, merit-based and region-based (Sabah and Sarawak prioritization) policy framework, the quicker the nation can build a resilient and united nation and a dynamic economy.

