



与任何投资产品一样,投资者选择投资股票的主要目的就是获得盈利。因此,哪支股票会上涨是投资者最关心的问题。美国开国元勋本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)说过“如果你没有制定计划,那你就是在计划失败!”。投资是有风险的,所以投资者在做任何投资前务必要了解清楚相关产品和设置对应的策略。投资策略的设定取决于风险偏好和回报期的长短。

要知道,每个人有不同的风险偏好。有些人会喜欢较短时间看到回报而倾向于采取“即日鲜”(intraday trading)策略。“即日鲜”就是投资者在当天早上购入一只股票,但即日就会平仓(卖掉),无论盈利抑或是亏损。“即日鲜”通常不会看股票的基本面,不会去看市盈率(Price-to-Earning ratio)是多少,也不会看股票的派息是否高,因为即日就平仓了。

“即日鲜”一般选择动力(momentum)最大的那只股票,也就是当下最受人们热捧的股票,方法很简单,就是参考热门股。热门股是根据股票交易量排名,在热门榜上的通常都是受人们追捧的股票。由于热门榜上的股项波动特别大,投资者应避免使用俗称“孖展”的保证金交易账户(margin account)进行杠杆操作。





《即日鲜面面观─牛赚股市策略》(Favorable strategy for Malaysian stock market: Intraday trading)原文:

The Malaysian stock market got off to a good start as the stock market index was buoyed by bullish investor sentiment on the first trading day of the Year of the Ox. The total trading volume of the Malaysian stock market has exceeded 10 billion shares for the first two consecutive days. However, the corresponding trading value did not surge to the highest level since the market opened in 2021. Vibrant trading volume indicates that investors are actively participating in the stock market. Despite the number of shares traded has exceeded 10 billion units of shares, trading value did not keep up its pace with trading volume indicates that investors are looking for bargains in the lower-priced stocks.

Obviously,  penny stocks which are priced below RM1 tend to dominate the top volumes list. Since the minimum tick size for shares priced below RM1 is 0.5 sen, an investor can enjoy 5 per cent paper profit on a 10 sen share price that increases by 0.5 sen. Since the denominator of the yield is the stock price, if the same stock falls 0.5 sen, the investor will have a paper loss of 5 percent. Bursa Malaysia has set 7 different tick sizes for all shares, ranging from 0.5 sen to 50 sen with the corresponding price range. Investors can check for the relevant information on Bursa Malaysia’’s website.

Solid plan is crucial for investments

Rapid technological developments have brought financial markets to new milestones. Thanks to the convenience of the Internet, investors can trade anytime and anywhere. Investors have also taken to social media platforms to share and discuss about the stock market. Sharing results of investment or trading on social media has become the "new normal". Since the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in 2020, many people have joined the ranks of investors, based on the data of the newly opened Central Depository System (CDS) account released by Bursa Malaysia. 

Similar to any investment products, investors opt to invest in stocks with the ultimate objective of reaping profits. As a result, which stocks will rise is the most important question for investors. Benjamin Franklin, the founding father of the United States, once said, "If you don't plan, you plan to fail! . Investing is risky, so it is important that investors understand the relevant products and strategies before making any investments. Investment strategy depends on risk appetite and time horizon for return.

Various aspects of intraday trading 

It is important to understand that every investor has a different risk appetite. Some investors prefer to see returns in a shorter period of time while others prefer to adopt an “intraday trading” strategy. So what does it mean? This is when an investor buys a stock in the morning and then liquidates the stock on the same day, no matter the position has brought him profit or loss. Those who opt to adopt intraday trading strategy will not look at the fundamentals of a stock. They will neither bother whether the price-to-earnings ratio of a stock is too high nor look at its dividend yield as they will close the trading position at the end of the day.

Intraday trading requires one to pick stocks that have the greatest momentum. That is, picking the most popular stock at the moment. So how do you know which stocks are popular and trending right now? In fact the method is very simple. That is to refer to the top volumes list. The trending stocks on the top volumes list is ranked by  trading volume, and the list is usually dominated by trending stocks. Given the stocks on the top volumes list are particularly volatile, investors should avoid using margin accounts for leverage.

Why would one endeavor intraday trading? There are several reasons for this. First, one can reap instant return. 

Second, investment risks can be reduced. That is because one could pick the wrong stock and see it falls 90% from the purchase price. With the implementation of stop-loss, the chances of losing 90% can be reduced. Intraday trading is a more prudent approach. With tight stop-loss levels, investors can reduce the risk of heavy losses on one single stock. Some investors have the mindset of “win a candy, but lose a factory”. They are reluctant to liquidate their positions even if they are suffering heavy losses. In contrast, they tend to close positions to take a little profit. Intraday trading emphasizes on discipline and investors must cut losses short.

The drawback of adopting a intraday trading strategy is that investors need to be mindful of the transaction costs. Bear in mind that investors are facing transaction costs regardless of profit or loss. When investors make a profit, the transaction cost will diminish their return. Similarly, when investors suffer a loss, they need to absorb the  transaction costs in addition to the losses caused by the price differences. 

In addition, investors who adopt intraday trading strategy are required to monitor their positions closely during the trading session, react to price actions by taking necessary measures. Incumbents who have jobs should not be distracted by changes in stock prices. Those who have a day job cannot monitor their positions as it might affect their job performance. Therefore, intraday trading is more suitable for full-time traders or retirees armed with investment experiences.







▸Prof Terence Chong Tai Leung/Associate professor of economics 

Prof Terence is an associate professor of economics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and author of a book entitled "Alchemy of Life". He is the owner of “Prof Terence Chong, The Economist” YouTube channel.

▸Tey Eng Xin/Financial professional

He graduated with an Analytical Economics degree from Multimedia University, and he has co-authored "How Investor Sentiment Affects the Malaysian Stock Market" with his professors  in an international academic journal. He is interested in studying the theory and practice of behavioral economics. He started his financial career at Bursa Malaysia and now he is working in a securities firm.