







金融市场里的投资者把黄金视为避险和抵消通货膨胀的工具。黄金跟其他的大宗商品一样都有周期。从过去二十年黄金价格走势图来看,每一次在突破阻力价位创新高时,之后大多会持续上涨。上一轮黄金价格大涨是在2009年当美联储第一次宣布量化宽松(Quantitative Easing)政策,其目的是增加货币供应量,使人们更容易获得资金,以此作为刺激经济活动和增长的一种方式。




总而言之,黄金与一众投资产品一样都是有风险的。投资者必须注意黄金是无息资产(non-interest bearing asset),即持有黄金是有机会成本的,黄金不像房产投资可以出租享有固定收入。因此,投资者在任何决定前,必须从不同方面思考,为长远布局才是王道。

《黄金未来走势》(Future Trend for Gold)原文:

As people around the world begin to get inoculated against the pandemic and there are signs that the pandemic is easing, investors in financial markets are already positioning themselves for the recovery theme. Ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19, the global financial markets have seen "everything rally〃. Investors are taking turns to speculate on the myriad investments in the financial markets, including bonds, stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETF), cryptocurrencies, commodities, and more.

Macroeconomically, the world is still in a low interest rate environment. People who are not satisfied with the low rate of return on fixed deposits withdraw their funds and invest in different asset classes. No commodity is better known than gold. Back in the period March to August 2020, gold futures on the Commodity Exchange (COMEX) rose more than 40 percent, briefly topping $2,000. 

However, as we usher in  2021, gold futures is on a downward trend, down more than 10% since the start of the year. Bitcoin, by contrast, which investors see as a potential substitute to gold, has hit a series of new highs, surging more than 50% since January 2021. Gold rose to record high during the pandemic, being singled out in the recovery phase merits investorsˇattention.

Gold's shiny appearance has been prized by people since ancient times. The earliest use of gold dates back to the ancient Egyptian civilization, when the rulers, Pharaohs used gold as burial objects. In addition, gold has also been used as money, which is evident to suggest that gold ranks above other precious metals. On the supply side, the top four gold producers are China, Australia, South Africa and the United States. 
According to the World Gold Council's data as of 2019, the world's gold stocks stood at 197,576 metric tons. About 47% of the gold stock is in the form of jewellery, with the rest going to private investment or official reserves held by central banks and other purposes. 

On the demand side, India and China are the world's No. 1 and No. 2 gold consumers, respectively, leaving the U.S. in third place far behind in their massive consumption. The demand for gold in India and China stems from the cultural affinity between the two countries for the shiny precious metal to be used in weddings. People in both countries like to wear the precious metal as a status symbol.

Investors in the financial markets regard gold as a safe haven and a hedge against inflation. Gold like other commodities is cyclical. The chart of gold prices over the past two decades illustrates that each resistance breakout to a new high has mostly been followed by a sustained rally. The last big rally in gold prices was in 2009, when the Federal Reserve first announced Quantitative Easing, a policy aimed at increasing the money supply and making it easier for people to access as a way to stimulate economic activity and growth. 

Demand for gold, an inflation-resistant precious metal, has been boosted by expectations that quantitative easing will stoke inflation, and demand for gold has outweighed its supply. Due to the pandemic, the Federal Reserve adopted loose monetary policy again in 2020, and gold was again favored by the large amount of funds flooded in the market, showing signs of entering another rising cycle. 

However, unlike 2009, the world is still in the recovery phase, and this time the quantitative easing environment is not likely to trigger inflation in the short term. Demand for gold is sure to rise as China and India grow in economic power and population. 

Previously, if China and India could afford to buy gold at $1,900, they would surely have bought gold at a higher price when their economies has grown stronger. In geopolitical terms, the relationship between China and the U.S. is also a bellwether for gold's future. The insatiable relationship between the two countries may motivate the People's Bank of China to shift its dollar holdings into gold reserves. This move provides good support for gold prices in the long run.

In short, gold is as risky as other investments. Investors must note that gold is a non-interest bearing asset, which means that holding gold has an opportunity cost. Unlike real estate investments, houses can be rented out and the owner could enjoy steady income. Therefore, investors must think carefully before making any investment decisions. Long term planning tends to prevail.







▸Prof Terence Chong Tai Leung/Associate professor of economics 

Prof Terence is an associate professor of economics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and author of a book entitled "Alchemy of Life". He also shares economic analysis on “Prof Terence Chong, The Economist” YouTube channel, covering local economic developments, property and stock markets, economic policy advice, financial management, technology, economics courses and personal growth.

▸Tey Eng Xin/Financial professional

He graduated with an Analytical Economics degree from Multimedia University, and he has co-authored "How Investor Sentiment Affects the Malaysian Stock Market" with his professors  in an international academic journal. He is interested in studying the theory and practice of behavioral economics. He started his financial career at Bursa Malaysia and now he is working in a securities firm.