















《我国应参考新加坡交棒安排》(What Singapore teaches us about succession planning)原文:

THREE years ago, while delivering a live televised National Day speech, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong shocked audiences when he started to keel over.

Lee, then 64-years-old, was quickly rushed backstage where a team of doctors attended to him.

Lee returned to the rostrum almost 90 minutes later to a standing ovation, where the cancer survivor attributed the episode to fatigue and heat.

He continued his speech and highlighted that what the audience witnessed was a stark reality of everyoneˇs mortality and the need to be prepared.

¨What just happened makes it even more important to talk about succession,〃 Lee said.

Lee and the Peopleˇs Action Party (PAP) quickly put in place a succession plan where it was decided at the party level to anoint Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat as Leeˇs successor.

Heng was elected deputy president of PAP and Lee appointed him as the countryˇs sole deputy prime minister  the prime minister designate  doing away with the traditional two deputy premier posts.

This sent the message to party members, Singaporeans and investors that should there be a sudden vacancy at the top, there will be someone  a specific person  to step in and take over the reins.

These calmed investors and the Singapore Stock Exchange were seeing improvements in investor confidence of continuity.

Heng, a stroke victim himself was also assured of a capable team to assist him during and after the transition. These was seen in the cabinet reshuffles and party endorsements.

Lee also demonstrated that he was empowering Heng for the top job by stepping out of the spotlight at national and international meetings and events to allow his successor to shine.

This includes giving way to Heng to co-chair the Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) between Singapore and China an annual forum which maps the direction of Singapore-China relations.

This not only helps Heng to ease into his role as Prime Minister but also allow the public, businesses, investors and foreign leaders to be familiar with Heng and his style.

"I think it is very important to try to plan ahead and to arrange for orderly political succession," Lee had told a global forum recently, adding that he plans to hand over the reins within 18 months following the next election.
This timeline, Lee said was to give his successor the time to build his team as well as the confidence of the people.

Leeˇs neighbours in the north are having their own muddled version of a succession plan. The man set to take over as the eight Prime Minister is not yet in Cabinet.

The current Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad continues giving mixed messages over his commitment to hand over the reins to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Dr. Mahathir who is six years shy of a century, has said on many occasions that Anwar will take over, although this commitment has been peppered with caveats.

And most recently in an interview with The Financial Times on Nov 8, he said he will not step down until he has resolved the problems facing the country.

This is extremely vague. Which country has no problems? And he repeats the mantra: there is no actual date or time mentioned for him to step down.

Despite constant reassurances that ¨Anwar will succeed me〃 (a similar statement he made 20 years ago), Dr. Mahathir goes on to tell The Financial Times that: "I have made many mistakes in appointing my successors, so I don't want to make another mistake this time."

With such mixed messages it is a wonder that corporate Malaysia, investors and Joe Public have been engaged in the unhealthy pre-occupation of speculating who the next prime minister would be.

To be absolutely clear, the premiership is not Anwarˇs birthright. What it is about is preventing the ensuing chaos and uncertainty if Dr. Mahathir does not wake up one day.

The Good Doctor should put us at ease, at least by explaining a succession plan should there be a sudden vacancy at the top. For example, will Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail succeed him? Will Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin become her deputy?  

Right now, the Prime Minister is seen as more focused on powering up his party Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) by engaging with other Malay parties such as UMNO and PAS. He is also perceived to be securing PPBMˇs war chest by bringing nine Government Linked Companies (GLCs) under the purview of ministries controlled by PPBM  as observed alarmingly by economist Prof Terence Gomez.

There is also the view that he is emaciating DAPˇs Finance Minister by reducing him to a glorified accountant with many crucial decisions such as the sale of toll concessions and GLC revamp being placed under the purview of unelected people in Menara Ilham.

In the meantime, the Ringgit is the worst performing currency in Asean, and investor confidence has dropped 100 points.

It would be misplaced to compare the succession plan in PH to the PAP. The latter is not made up of complex agreements and handshakes as PH, which is a motley crew of strange bedfellows who were a means to an end  to bring down Barisan Nasional and Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Now that that end has been achieved, the responsible thing would be to chart a clear transition path.

He can take a leaf from the past when his own shock quit announcement at the UMNO General Assembly in 2003 resulted in stock market tumbling. But it rebounded following the announcement of a transition plan with Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi to take over and the latter taking over key positions to ease him into the eventual role as prime minister.
Dr. Mahathir can lead by Lee Hsien Loongˇs example of clarity or by his own example of 16 years ago.

Terence Fernandez is an award-winning journalist and communications consultant.

Terence Fernandez
