











《爪夷书法不应是优先关注点》(Khat it out and focus on priorities)原文:

LETˇS call the latest decision by the Pakatyan Harapan (PH) Government to introduce Islamic calligraphy to Year Four students for what it is  playing politics with our childrenˇs future.

Make no mistake. The learning of any language and artistic skill can only enrich a person.

But when you are talking about preparing young children for a more competitive and dog-eat-dog world, one must have their priorities right.

Putrajayaˇs insistence that implementing Jawi in text books and khat calligraphy across the board in national and vernacular schools in an effort to promote national unity and Malay culture is flawed.

One would be more supportive if there was more effort to promote Bahasa Malaysia in vernacular schools. These schools should be encouraged or even arm-twisted into including more sessions in Bahasa Malaysia.
One has to admit that the standard of Bahasa Malaysia of children from these schools are wanting.

The Education Ministry had previously stated that between 15% and 20% of SJK (C) pupils are unable to get a credit in their UPSR Bahasa Melayu paper, hence requiring that they spend an extra year in secondary school by entering Remove Class before being promoted to Form One.

And as far as promoting national unity goes, while Jawi is indeed adopted as a form of Malay script, khat is Arabic calligraphy.

Again, there is so much richness in the Arabic language and written art  but is learning this skill a priority over subjects such as humanities and cultural appreciation?  Or computer studies or even the much neglected living skills?

It is disappointing that Education Minister Maszlee Malik is pushing for Jawi and khat with the same passion and tenacity that he opposed a suggestion to introduce awareness of other religions in schools which was geared towards promoting harmony and accentuating the universality of all faiths.

So, this brings us to the true intentions of the Government to shove khat in the Bahasa Melayu syllabus and including Jawi in text books down our childrenˇs throats.

Is it meant to appease the Malay voter base whose support for PH is still in question?

Granted that this policy was originally introduced by the Barisan Nasional (BN) Government in 2016 for implementation next year.

By then, the BN had already washed its hands off the non-Malay voters and focused on the Malay heartland.
In fact, even PH realised that it needed to play the race game to get ahead in the 14th General Election (GE14). Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was convinced by a senior non-Malay advisor that, for the purpose of winning GE14, there needed to be a Malay party that could take on UMNO. Hence why Bersatu is not open to non-Malays.

Hence, while sensibilities would dictate that Jawi and khat are not subjects that should be compulsory for already struggling 10-year-olds, politics on the other hand would reckon that cancelling the ministryˇs decision would further alienate PH from the Malay grassroots.

By all means introduce khat and maintain Jawi as a non-compulsory subject in secondary schools or include it as a co-curriculum activity as part of cultural appreciation, as suggested by many.

The Government must understand that one of the reasons why there is much opposition to this suggestion is because its intent is suspect. One doubts that Putrajaya truly has the childrenˇs best interest at heart in this matter.

Terence Fernandez
